Billy Corgan
Billy Corgan Settles Lawsuit with TNA Wrestling
PUBLISHED Nov 29, 2016
Billy Corgan has officially settled his legal beef with TNA Wrestling. On Monday (November 28), it was announced he's signed a settlement...
Billy Corgan Threatens Another Lawsuit Against TNA Wrestling After Officially Getting the Boot
PUBLISHED Nov 3, 2016
Early this week, Smashing Pumpkins leader Billy Corgan lost his lawsuit against TNA Wrestling. Now, just a few short months after being nam...
Billy Corgan Loses Legal Battle to Take Over TNA Wrestling
PUBLISHED Oct 31, 2016
While the last few weeks have been legally messy ones for Smashing Pumpkins leader Billy Corgan, they just got even worse, as he has lost h...
Billy Corgan Launches Lawsuit Against TNA Wrestling
PUBLISHED Oct 13, 2016
This summer Smashing Pumpkins leader Billy Corgan was named president of Impact Ventures, the company responsible for TNA Wrestling and Imp...
Billy Corgan Named President of Wrestling's Impact Ventures
PUBLISHED Aug 12, 2016
Billy Corgan has been climbing his way through the ranks of the wrestling industry for several years now, and he's just made another upward...
Billy Corgan Responds to Smashing Pumpkins Reunion Rumours
PUBLISHED Aug 9, 2016
After sharing a video late last month in which he said to expect "big stuff" from the Smashing Pumpkins, bandleader Billy Corgan has now cl...
Billy Corgan Is Recording a New Solo Album
PUBLISHED Jul 18, 2016
Not far removed from completing the "In Plainsong" tour with the Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan is now at work on a new solo album. As y...
Billy Corgan Unveils Experimental Album: 'AEGEA'
PUBLISHED Apr 9, 2014
Already in 2014, Smashing Pumpkins main man Billy Corgan has performed a pair of unique live shows using modular synths. Now, he's announce...