Hear Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard Duet on Sparks' New 'Annette' Song
PUBLISHED Jun 28, 2021
Sparks are once again sharing a new song from their upcoming film, Annette, made alongside Holy Motors director Leos Carax. And it once aga...
Sparks Team Up with Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard on "So We May Start"
PUBLISHED May 28, 2021
It's looking like 2021 will be the year that cult art-pop duo Sparks get some recognition at the movies. Edgar Wright already paid tribute...
In 2021, Music Documentaries Are Finally Getting Good
PUBLISHED May 18, 2021
Music documentaries are typically a mixed bag at best. For every fascinating Searching for Sugar Man, there are a dozen fawning puff pieces...
Watch the New Trailer for Edgar Wright's Sparks Documentary
PUBLISHED May 13, 2021
Edgar Wright has paid tribute to the cult art pop act Sparks with a new film called The Sparks Brothers. We've already seen the doc, and it...
'The Sparks Brothers' Brings Much-Needed Humour to the Rock Doc Genre
Directed by Edgar Wright
PUBLISHED Apr 27, 2021
Sparks are musicians' musicians — the kind of band who get talked about in hushed tones by their peers and devoted admirers, but are largel...
Sparks and Todd Rundgren Team Up for Their First New Song in 50 Years
PUBLISHED Apr 23, 2021
As Sparks see a resurgence thanks to Edgar Wright's new The Sparks Brothers documentary, the cult rock brothers have joined back up with th...
Edgar Wright's Sparks Documentary Is Getting a Wide Release
PUBLISHED Mar 19, 2021
Edgar Wright recently premiered his Sparks documentary The Sparks Brothers at Sundance, and now it's thankfully set to get a wide release....
Edgar Wright's Sparks Documentary to Premiere at Sundance 2021
PUBLISHED Dec 15, 2020
Today the Sundance Film Festival unveiled its 2021 lineup, and among the many films playing the digital festival will be Edgar Wright's ant...