Steven Spielberg
War of the Worlds [Blu-Ray]
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED May 21, 2010
What classic science fiction stories lack in depth, character development and plausibility they make up for in spades with their allegorica...
Saving Private Ryan [Blu-Ray]
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED May 13, 2010
Saving Private Ryan, now available on Blu-Ray, must stand as one of the most influential movies of the last 15 years. At the time, its shoc...
Minority Report [Blu-Ray]
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED Apr 22, 2010
As a featurette included with this set makes abundantly clear, seminal sci-fi scribe Philip K. Dick suffered in obscurity during his lifeti...
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED Oct 23, 2008
Nearly 20 years after Dr. Jones' last adventure, he's back, hunting ancient treasures in exotic locales and fighting the enemies of freed...
Indiana Jones: The Adventure Collection
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED May 24, 2008
The fedora, the bullwhip, the ophidiophobia, the over-exaggerated sound effects, yep, no one does adventure quite like Indiana Jones. So it...
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED May 23, 2008
Catching up with old friends, you want to know what theyve been up to, not marvel at how much theyve changed. And so its with warm famil...
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Joe Dante, John Landis, George Miller and Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED Oct 26, 2007
Twenty-four years after its release, Twilight Zone: The Movie loses its DVD virginity without anything more than two trailers a disappoin...
The Indiana Jones Trilogy
Steven Spielberg
PUBLISHED Jan 1, 2006
In the mid-'70s, then experimental filmmaker George Lucas wanted to tackle two different ideas: a morality tale in space, and a period recr...