'South Park' Just Turned Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE." into a Country Song

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Sep 14, 2017

South Park came back tonight (September 13) with a bang. Not only did the Season 21 premiere give us the amazingly awesome White People Renovating Houses, but Trey Parker and Matt Stone gifted the world with a straight-up hilarious country cover of Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE." That's right, South Park just made Kendrick go country.

With the episode delivering on its promise to get back to the old school, much of it centred on taking the piss out of Amazon's Alexa and the like — not to mention white supremacy. Thanks to a judge-imposed court order, though, the two worlds soon collide head on in the episode.

As Mrs. Cartman explains to Eric, a Jim Bob "works the same [as Alexa] and makes sure people don't lose their jobs." It also turns out that a Jim Bob can play a mean-ass hillbilly version of Kendrick's "HUMBLE." — complete with the twangiest "my left hook just went viral" you could ever imagine.

Watch it go down in the player below.

Of course, the internet is loving it, and you can see a series of approving tweets below.

You can watch the new episode here in the U.S. and eventually over here in Canada.

Along with Season 21, the much-delayed South Park videogame The Fractured But Whole — a game that's harder if your character is black — is also due out on October 17.


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