Crew Member Dies on Set of 'Blade Runner' Sequel

BY Josiah HughesPublished Aug 29, 2016

The forthcoming Blade Runner sequel has a lot of good going for it, including director Denis Villeneuve, star Ryan Gosling and score maestro Jóhann Jóhannsson. That said, tragedy has struck the production after a crew member died on set.

As the Hollywood Reporter explains, a 28-year-old construction worker was killed while dismantling a film set in Budapest, Hungary.

Budapest studio Origo released a statement to THR. While they didn't reveal the young man's name, they did offer some explanation as to what happened:

The worker was underneath a platform, upon which the set was constructed, when it suddenly collapsed. The cause of the accident is not yet known.

Stay tuned for more information on the construction worker's death if and when it becomes available. The Blade Runner sequel is set to open on October 6, 2017.

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