Disney+ Edited Out Daryl Hannah's Butt in 'Splash' (and It Looks Ridiculous)

It's the worst ass-related CGI since 'Cats'

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 15, 2020

Disney+ has already caught some flack for its edits, including adding weird aspect ratios to The Simpsons and making key tweaks to Star Wars (notably re-editing the scene where Han Solo shoots Greedo in A New Hope). Now, Disney's 1984 mermaid rom-com Splash has gone viral thanks to an exceptionally silly-looking edit.

Twitter user @AllisonPregler shared the clip where Daryl Hannah's mermaid character kisses Tom Hanks on the beach. She then runs into the ocean and, in the original film, the audience briefly sees her bare butt. In this censored edit, however, Disney has given Hannah some CGI hair extensions to cover her nudity.

It's a truly heinous CGI monstrosity that doesn't look remotely convincing. It's surely the worst piece of ass-related editing since they cut the buttholes out of Cats.

Watch the offending clip below, and don't worry — it's now extremely safe-for-work.

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