Hugh Grant's Middle Name Is Mungo and People Are Losing It

Yes, it really is Hugh Mungo Grant

BY Allie GregoryPublished Apr 28, 2021

A hilarious tidbit about English actor Hugh Grant's real name has come to light — and people are absolutely freaking on social media.

Twitter users have just now discovered that the 60-year-old actor's middle name is Mungo, meaning his name is Hugh Mungo Grant.

In Grant's defence, his full, legal name — Hugh John Mungo Grant — partially ruins the joke by dropping his first middle name into the mix. Nonetheless, social media users are having a virtual parade about this discovery.

The lovely fact-checking wizards over at Snopes have conveniently dug up a video of Hugh Mungo giving his full name for a legal proceeding in 2011. You can watch that below, where you'll also find Twitter's reactions.


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