Master of Disguise

Perry Andelin Blake

BY Dan CohenPublished Dec 1, 2002

When talking about Dana Carvey's return to the big screen in "Master of Disguise," one thing needs to be clear: it is a movie designed for seven-year-olds. Actually, seven may be a stretch here, five may be more on target. As I stumbled out of the theatre; my head reeling at the depths the man who was once one of my favourite comedians has fallen to.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for juvenile humour. I'll laugh at the occasional fart joke. Hell, and even Mike Myers obsession with male genitalia in "Goldmember" amused me. I'm not a pretentious snob with no sense of humour. Dick jokes though, would be far too edgy for Master of Disguise. The riskiest joke in the movie involves a woman's oversized buttocks. The jokes are stupid, even by SNL alumni standards, and I can count the times I laughed on one hand (two). So, I'm just going to put it bluntly here: if you're not five, and you don't have kids, don't see this movie.

Now, for those of you blessed with little bundles of joy, here's my review for you. The movie's shtick gets old fast. Carvey speaks in a horribly overstated Italian accent and after the first five minutes you just want to whack him over the side of his head. The same jokes are repeated over and over, which might entertain the tykes, but will have you rolling your eyes the second time. The love interest is attractive, but the plot is stale and predictable. There's not much else I can say, I can warn you, but when those kids get their hearts set on a movie, which is what its commercial is designed to do (turtle, turtle), I wouldn't want to be the one to tell them no. In the end that will probably put the butts in the seats, and that's the bottom line for the studio when it all comes down to it, isn't it.

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