Despite boasting female leads like Margot Robbie in Suicide Squad and Felicity Jones in Rogue One, 2016 was another dismal year for equal opportunities in Hollywood.
Data scientist Amber Thomas has released a report analyzing female representation in 2016's top grossing films, and things are far from equal. In fact, on average women only spoke 27 percent of the top films' dialogue, and not a single film had an equal amount of male and female characters.
In addition to Rogue One and Suicide Squad, films analyzed included Captain America: Civil War, Finding Dory, The Jungle Book, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Deadpool, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Suicide Squad.
The study concluded that Finding Dory was the closest to an equal film, with 43 percent female characters. That said, to be equal, the film would have needed eight more female characters with speaking roles.
Despite Jones in a lead role, Rogue One scored the worst on the list. Only 9 percent of its speaking roles — or 10 characters — were women. Of those, one was a computer voice, one was a CGI cameo that spoke only one word, and one was a character that had five seconds of screen time.
Read Thomas's full study here.
Thanks to NME for the tip.
Data scientist Amber Thomas has released a report analyzing female representation in 2016's top grossing films, and things are far from equal. In fact, on average women only spoke 27 percent of the top films' dialogue, and not a single film had an equal amount of male and female characters.
In addition to Rogue One and Suicide Squad, films analyzed included Captain America: Civil War, Finding Dory, The Jungle Book, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Deadpool, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Suicide Squad.
The study concluded that Finding Dory was the closest to an equal film, with 43 percent female characters. That said, to be equal, the film would have needed eight more female characters with speaking roles.
Despite Jones in a lead role, Rogue One scored the worst on the list. Only 9 percent of its speaking roles — or 10 characters — were women. Of those, one was a computer voice, one was a CGI cameo that spoke only one word, and one was a character that had five seconds of screen time.
Read Thomas's full study here.
Thanks to NME for the tip.