Abortion Funds Now Banned from Distributing Contraceptives on Olivia Rodrigo's Tour

Funds invited to hand out condoms and emergency contraception have allegedly been told to stop by Rodrigo’s management

Photo: Nick Walker

BY Kaelen BellPublished Mar 15, 2024

Earlier this week, news started spreading that abortion funds had been invited to distribute contraceptive supplies at Olivia Rodrigo’s tour venues. Now, it’s looking like Rodrigo’s management has caved to the right-wing outcry over the gesture, asking that the contraceptive hand-outs stop. 

As reported by Jezebel, Prairie Abortion Fund — which had gathered supplies for tonight’s show in Saint Paul, MN — confirmed that the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) relayed the new instructions from Rodrigo’s team. The organization hasn’t been banned altogether, however, and will instead distribute stickers, buttons, hats and resource pages.

Pushback to the news that contraceptives — including condoms and Plan B — were being distributed at Rodrigo’s St. Louis show caused pushback from people like conservative Missouri state senator Bill Eigel, who claimed (falsely) that Plan B is an abortifacient. In actuality, Plan B is a type of emergency birth control. Abortion is banned in Eigel’s state of Missouri. 

Following the international coverage of the St. Louis show, the NNAF wrote to local funds in cities where Rodrigo is set to perform, explaining that the singer’s management had prohibited them from distributing contraceptive supplies and lubricant. According to Jezebel, Rodrigo’s management’s alleged explanation was that they feared young girls might obtain and use the contraceptives.

Rodrigo’s Guts World Tour is set to run through August.

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