Aerosmith's Steven Tyler Given $2 Million To Write Autobiography

BY Keith CarmanPublished May 1, 2009

Vocalist Steven Tyler has barely written a lyric to one of Aerosmith's songs in a decade. That's probably because he was too busy penning his autobiography. You have to do these things when someone fronts two million dollars for your life story.

Yes, folks, Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins, has announced that its hefty payment for the right to publish Tyler's book will hopefully pay off when it is released on October 27. Titled Does The Noise In My Head Bother You?, the book follows Tyler's entire saga, from a youth in the Bronx through his early musical career, meeting Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, their rise, fall and so on. Naturally, the juicy stuff like their drug addictions, romances and other bad behaviour that people really want to know is included.

Commented Tyler: "This is not just my take - this is the unbridled truth, the in-your-face, up-close and prodigious tale of Steven Tyler straight from the horse's lips." We assume this means Does The Noise In My Head Bother You? will take a more personal stance on Aerosmith than the band memoir Walk This Way: The Autobiography Of Aerosmith did upon its release in 2003.

While their appeal is subjective, one can't deny that the band's 21 Top 40 hits, 150 million albums sold worldwide and record for most gold and multi-platinum albums held by an American group is nothing to sneer at.

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