Al Jourgensen Launches New Dubweiser Project?

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jul 9, 2014

Now that Ministry have issued their "final" live release, Last Tangle in Paris, it appears as if band leader Al Jourgensen is setting his sights on a new project. Bizarrely, the band name is apparently Dubweiser.

Jourgensen revealed his plans earlier this week over Facebook, where he reported he's holed up in Los Angeles and about to put work into a debut effort dubbed King of Buds. According to the musician, more details will be unveiled in a couple of weeks, with tour dates expected sometime in the future as well.

With very few details to go by beyond that, it's unclear if the new group is in fact the real deal. Let's not forget that Jourgensen pulled our legs last year when he had revealed the cover art to Whole Lotta Glove, only to admit this was a joke. Then again, the real name of that LP ended up being the pun-filled and groan-worthy From Beer to Eternity, so the equally brew-driven project title seems par for the course with this guy.

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