It would seem really crass to offer criticisms of a benefit record and thankfully, Anti-Flag have created a great little release in the name of raising some money and awareness for a cause very close to their hearts. In February of 2007, bassist and vocalist Chris #2s sister and boyfriend were both murdered. The result is this release, with funds going to the Center for Victims of Violence and Crime. Containing five new studio tracks, alongside two light-hearted interludes and five live songs, this is no tossed-off package designed to raise a little bit of money; its a worthwhile collection for fans of the band that shows respect for its subject matter. Opener "No Paradise is vintage Anti-Flag, leaning a little heavily towards the bands more explicitly pop punk material. "Marc Defiant, an ode to the Codes lead singer, is the punk-est thing going here and sounds great. The live tracks, including "No Borders No Nations and "911 For Peace, are decent but mostly just succeed in adding a little extra value for long-time fans.
A Benefit For Victims of Violent Crime
BY Sam SutherlandPublished Nov 26, 2007