
Cuando Termines Con Todo, Habra Terminado Contigo

BY Rob BoltonPublished Aug 1, 2001

This is a fantastic debut EP by Aroah, which is the pen name of Spanish singer-songwriter Irene Tremblay. When You Finish With Everything, It Will Have Finished With You, (the English translation) is a moody set of songs primarily featuring Tremblay and an acoustic guitar, with sparse production. Fans of Red House Painters, Low or other low BPM artists will find comfort in the subtle arrangements and delicate nature of Tremblay's voice, which sounds more than a little like that of the Sundays' Harriet Wheeler. Aroah finds a perfect home on the boutique label Acuarela, which is the Spanish home to great indie pop artists like Bitter Springs, Migala and even Songs:Ohia and the Clientele. The EP's six tracks are sung in both English and Spanish, and fluctuate between down-tempo ballads and brighter tracks, like "Recuerdos." At the tender age of 20, Tremblay displays a great deal of songwriting maturity, occasionally using abstract chords and distant, minimalist percussion, making this a very impressive debut by an artist that shows a lot of promise.

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