
Red Shift

BY Laura TaylorPublished Jan 1, 2006

But for an appearance on a Beauty in Darkness DVD, Asgaroth's music has been confined within the Spanish borders until now. Recently signing to Peaceville Records, the band scored international distribution and promotion for the 2000 album Red Shift. Described as "cinematic death metal" with black metal influences, Asgaroth's music is about depth and texture. Red Shift's surface is as rich with atmospheric synths as with chunky guitars, while melodies pass back and forth between piano, guitars and occasionally clean vocals, interweaving above a rhythmic foundation. This album isn't a light listen, but with a small investment of time and attention it begins to reveal its treasures. As an added enticement, Red Shift comes with a video for "Naked Eye," one of the album's most immediately gripping tracks.

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