Asobi Seksu


BY Chris WhibbsPublished Feb 17, 2009

This is an odd title, as if you've ever seen Asobi Seksu live or heard some of the more epic songs on their last album, Citrus, this dreamy shoegaze band can really crank it out. The difference is that it's never abrasive; it's more like fog, where the disorientation is both scary and thrilling. Yet, with their third album, Asobi Seksu have "hushed" their earlier sound by reining in the rough edges and noisy clouds for something more accessible. Well, maybe "accessible" isn't quite accurate. Tight is better. "Familiar Light" soars with Yuki Chikudate's remarkable voice amidst propulsive drums, while "Sunshower" builds to an amazing climax showcasing the band's crashing, cathartic dream pop at its best. While "tight" can mean "mainstream," Asobi Seksu's dedication to bouncing back and forth between sweet melody and gauzy noise (see the end of "Me & Mary") will never threaten the conventional. While Citrus had its charms, Hush showcases a mature and confident Asobi Seksu continuing to dazzle with their sonic tricks.

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