Association Area

The Exclaim! Questionnaire

BY None NonePublished Nov 17, 2016

Toronto metal math rockers Association Area are currently celebrating their new release, "Loathsome Deco" on Lunasound Records.

Current fixations:
NHL playoffs; "Bizarre" and "FHM" magazines; Björk; Whopper combos (even after the price increase); new CDs by Candiria, Lightning Bolt, Freedom Call and The End.

Mind-altering work of art:
My wife gave me an original Dali print as a wedding gift three years ago and it's only been the last couple weeks that we've started studying the painting in detail and discussing it at length. I mean, it's only been on our bedroom wall for three years.

Most memorable or inspirational gig and why?
Deadguy at the Showplace Theater in Buffalo, NY; John Zorn's Masada at the Du Maurier Centre in Toronto; and any time I've seen the Dillinger Escape Plan. These shows were/are landmarks of both musicianship and performance that illustrated just how far music can be taken and how far I have to go. Will there ever be a better live band than Dillinger?

What has been your career high and low?
Career... that's a good one! High: Any time we're able to get in a van, drive to wherever and play for strangers. Low: Finding out we didn't really tour with Mr. Bungle, despite everyone telling us we did.

What should everyone shut up about?
Nu metal and Bernard Landry. If you stop paying attention, they'll eventually go away.

I would drop everything to play a benefit for:
Breast cancer research.

What trait do you like and dislike most about yourself?
I like the fact that there are only two or three people on Earth who really know anything about me. People may think they know me, but they usually don't. For example, I've spent an obscene amount of time with my bandmates over the past five years and they don't know anymore about me now than when we started this mess. Whether that's a good thing or not is in the eye of the beholder, I just think it's fucking hilarious! I dislike my tendency to procrastinate (when was I supposed to have this done for you?)

What would make you kick someone out of your band and/or bed, and have you?
Chronic poor performance. No one's got the axe... yet.

When I think of Canada I think:
How pathetic it is that with a population of 30 million and as many musicians and different cultures represented within our borders, that our musical ambassadors continue to be Anne Murray, Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings, Bryan Adams and Celine Dion. And things don't seem to be getting any better with the likes of Nelly Furtado, Our Lady Peace and Finger Eleven as the "new" representatives.

What is your vital daily ritual?
I don't have a daily ritual. Rituals may seem like an exciting benefit to your organisational skills, but they soon become routine and if you follow any routine long enough you'll find yourself in a rut and being in a rut equals being bored.

How do you spoil yourself?
Actually getting more than 4 hours of sleep. It doesn't seem like much - and it doesn't happen very often - but all my other answers were probably not suitable for your family publication.

What was your most memorable day job?
I worked at the reception desk of a high-end racquet club. The job was no biggie, but keeping track of which staff members were sleeping with each other, which members were spotted in the jacuzzi with someone other than their spouse and so on and so forth, was better than any soap opera. I still have my scorecard.

If I wasn't playing music I would be:
Ready to leap off the 16th floor ledge of the office building that rapes my soul and spirit from 9 to 5 each weekday.

What is your greatest fear?
Having my basic and not-so-basic rights and freedoms taken away by people without a clue who just happen to have more money and influence than I do.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Picture this: someone is really irritating me. I am able to turn the ground beneath their feet to quicksand. They get sucked up by the Earth and spit out smack dab in the middle of the worst 'hood in Newark, NJ. Sort of like "Being John Malkovich", but a helluva lot more malicious.

What makes you want to take it off and get it on?
Walking through my front door (that's all you need to know and are getting out of me).

Music and sex: Is there a difference? Why?
I guess not, considering the excessive amounts of money I've spent on both activities over the years.

Strangest brush with celebrity:
I have a famous rock star friend (he will remain nameless, but know that His Love Is Bold) who used to work in a porn shop downtown. He loves talking about the day the guy who played the father on "The Wonder Years" came in and bought a stack of stroke flicks. I love relating that story to people who ask me about brushes with celebrity.

Who would be your ideal dinner guest, living or dead, and what would you serve them?
I'd have George Washington over and serve him a really rare steak just to see if his wooden teeth could get the job done.

What does your mom wish you were doing instead?
If she spoke English I'd let you know.

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