Babe Rainbow Launches Slow Release Imprint, Signs dd elle

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Aug 27, 2015

After having his music issued through labels like Warp and 1080p, Babe Rainbow (a.k.a. Toronto musician Cameron Reed) has announced he's started up an imprint of his very own called Slow Release.

The business venture was confirmed in an interview with FACT, with Reed having noted that he's wanted to start his own record company for years. For him, Slow Release is the next logical step.

He added in a statement:

My deep love for music is impossible to truly express. I've always been a better champion of others' music than I have been making it, though I've had some incredible opportunities to do both over the years, this is another venture of something I've devoted my life to. Inspired by so many of my brilliant friends and colleagues who have laid an inspiring groundwork, Slow Release is a boutique label where I will continue champion some of the most important, singular music being made.

Slow Release's first release is a five-song EP from California artist dd elle (a.k.a. Dan Casey). While his u won't officially touch down until September 25, you can sample the set's "kind 2 u," a pitch-shifted, hypercolor-hued odd-pop jam, in the SoundCloud stream down below.

Furthermore, a dd elle LP is scheduled to drop in 2016, while Babe Rainbow should have a new single out by November.


1. unrequited
2. kind 2 u
3. love me only
4. all i ever need
5. a note

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