Not the splashdown into pop waters of, say, Caribou, Daniel Vujanic is nonetheless dipping his toes in the pool with a few more lyrics on this fourth release. Baja signals the continued cross-wiring with an introductory cough and wolf slide on the acoustic guitar that's pierced by a sine tone on "9 Seconds." From there on, vibraphones and '70s flutes rub against cut-up drum patterns and vocal edits. Vujanic neatly interchanges noise and melody roles, creating competition and dissonance that evolves into harmony. For example, "Graph-viak" unexpectedly flips from a post-drum & bass froth to an oddly '80s-ish pop song without breaking rhythm. Last year's Wolfhour had a similarly broad palette of sounds, though this year's model works its transitions and shifts with greater subtlety. "The Story of Fissa Maines" starts as a taped monologue un-spooled from a noisy source and segues into a venue-changing woodwind cue that merges with an electronic pulse and piano figure as "Prism Break" starts. It's an album of lovely surprises that never lags or lulls.
(Other Electricities)Baja
Aether Obelisk
BY Eric HillPublished Apr 21, 2009