
Give Blood

BY Chris GramlichPublished Nov 1, 2001

Hardcore pile-on kings Bane return with their second full-length, Give Blood. Now free from his commitments with metallic noise mongers Converge, guitarist/founder Aaron Dalbec can dedicate his time and heart to Bane's burgeoning career, and judging from Give Blood, it's one that will soon consume all of the members of Bane's existence. Give Blood doesn't venture too far into any new sonic realms for Bane, taking '80s hardcore/punk influences and metallising them (sounding incredibly New York for a Boston band), however, each Bane album has offered a more defined identity for Bane and Give Blood is no exception. Slightly distancing themselves from the "more metal Sick of it All" comparisons that plagued their last two releases, Bane offers up a slightly varied attack, incorporating noisier influences reminiscent of Converge's nascent first steps, some melodic moments and even offering a Clutch-styled intro (Transnational Speedway- era) for "Bang the Drum Slowly," however, with Bane it is all about emotion and impact, elements Give Blood possesses in spades. While seemingly light on the huge shout-along choruses compared to past Bane releases - "Ali v. Frazier Rd. I" possessing the best and most moving - Give Blood is rife with energy, competency, passion and an appealing, if not original, mix of old school hardcore and metallic influences, and whose brevity, clocking in at just over 25 minutes, works for and not against them.
(Equal Vision)

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