Baths Drops Free Online Album as Geotic

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jan 3, 2011

Between dropping his weird-beat/chillwave debut, Cerulean, last year and prepping for an upcoming tour, Baths mastermind Will Wiesenfeld has been pretty busy. That being said, the musician isn't too tied down with his full-time project to deny the call of inspiration, which is where Geotic comes in.

Striking while the iron is hot, Wiesenfeld's side-project recorded the newly released Mend just last week, between December 26 and 30. You can grab the online album for free on the Geotic website here. And while you're there you might as well download Geotic's entire minimalist back catalogue.

Whereas Baths tends to mangle messed-up beats with electro-pop, Geotic is a bit more easy-going. Fittingly, opening track "Unwind" is a relaxing bit of ambient synth washes and fluttery new age guitar. The nylon-stringed number has taken the artist out of the Flying Lotus-style L.A. club scene and dropped him into a lovely garden grove.

That's the cover up there above and the tracklist below.


1. "Unwind"

2. "Beaming Husband"

3. "Find Your Peace"

4. "Time Passes in a Slow Sundown"

5. "Disrobe and Come to Bed"

6. "Get Held"

7. "Sleep and We'll Transition"

8. "Into Some Spirit World"

9. "Our Awe"

10. "The Sprawling, Glorious Newness"

11. "I'll Have Come and Gone With You"

12. "Through the Lush and Undiscovered"

13. "And Upon Awakening"

14. "We've Mended"

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