Blonde Redhead Unveil Brand New Track

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jun 18, 2010

The last we heard from Blonde Redhead, the atmospheric indie rockers were scoring a documentary about Dungeons & Dragons. Although news of the soundtrack spread in January of this year, the documentary was actually completed in 2008, meaning that it's been two years since Blonde Redhead released new material - until now. Today (June 18), the trio unveiled a brand new track, "Here Sometimes," which is currently available as a free download from their website and in our Click Hear department.

The song continues on in the ambitious electronic direction that Blonde Redhead have taken in recent years, with computerized beats and swells of otherworldly synths.

It's unclear where exactly the new song comes from, and whether or not it's a teaser for a new album or just a one-off. According to the band's label, 4AD, "More announcements to follow from the band in the coming weeks."

Fans will likely get a taste of what's ahead when Blonde Redhead play the Ottawa Bluesfest next month.

Tour dates:

7/17 Ottawa, ON - Ottawa Blues Festival (Subway Stage)
7/24 Seattle, WA - Capital Hill Block Party

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