Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Matt Sweeney Unearth 'Superwolf' Rarity

Hear "You'll Get Eaten, Too" from their beloved 2005 collaboration

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Mar 27, 2020

Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Matt Sweeney have once again teamed up to revisit their beloved collaboration Superwolf, giving fans an unreleased track from their 2005 effort. The newly unearthed song is called "You'll Get Eaten, Too," and you can check out the rarity now.

As Drag City explains, "'You'll Get Eaten, Too' is a sunbaked song-comet streaking through our suddenly emptied, wide-open skies. Ostensibly a song about meat and the star-crossed destinies of us all, here in the chain of organic life, the song explores affirmations, impermanence and downfall for anything that can evolve and grow (like bacteria....or a virus), in a taut and purposeful three minutes of rock anthem."

Profits from the song will be given to New York City's Superiority Burger, as well as the staff of Drag City, who like all of us are dealing with the harsh realities of COVID-19.

"You'll Get Eaten, Too" will be available only on Bandcamp for the first three days for $3 before heading to other online streamers.


Superwolf bares fangs in a long-awaited NEW exclamation, launched over our wide-open horizons. It's a song about meat and everything in our chain of life that lives and grows, like bacteria...or a virus. A song for today! Bonnie Billy and Matt Sweeney get high on soaring string bends and anthemic arpeggiation, voicing acceptance and celebration. Faced with rallying support on any number of fronts, Bonny and Sweeney are throwing the profit from this single behind NYC's @superiorityburger - as good a vegetarian/and sometimes vegan option as there is – as well as the beleaguered staff of Drag City, currently facing an uncertain future slinging their own kind of patties. Featuring artwork with a timely new take on the original Superwolf artwork from original artist Spencer Sweeney, "You'll Get Eaten Too" is available for consumption on @bandcamp exclusively for 3 days, for $3 or more – and please note the 'or more' here, as anything extra you give will benefit disenfranchised workers struggling to get back to making alternative products for the world to consider (and consume). Link to purchase in bio!

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