Bonnie "Prince" Billy Teams Up with Bitchin Bajas for New LP

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Feb 1, 2016

While Bonnie "Prince" Billy served up some old Peel session Pond Scum last month, the underground folk king will also be offering up brand new tunes this year. It's just been announced that he and fellow Drag City act Bitchin Bajas have connected to produce some Epic Jammers and Fortunate Little Ditties, which will be released as an album of the same name next month.

The collection lands March 18 via Drag City and features material that has Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Bitchin Bajas trafficking in "moments of tranquility and trance."

It's added that the LP is a "righteous and TRUE collaboration," and that "you will receive many unknowable hours of joy from this album of collaborative cosmic music."

Previews have yet to go live, but a press shot from the Drag City site finds the musicians crouched around various synths, or fiddling with effects pedals.

The tracklisting to Epic Jammers and Fortunate Little Ditties can be found below. That's the spirit-guiding, fortune cookie-mining artwork up above.

Epic Jammers and Fortunate Little Ditties:

1. May Life Throw You a Pleasant Curve
2. Nature Makes Us For Ourselves
3. Your Heart is Pure, Your Mind is Clear and Your Soul is Devout
4. Your Whole Family Are Well
5. Despair is Criminal
6. You Are Not "Superman"
7. Show Your Love and Your Love Will Be Returned
8. You Will Soon Discover How Truly Fortunate You Really Are
9. Your Hard Work is About to Pay Off. Keep On Keeping On

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