Boys Like Girls vs. Fake Emo Bands

BY Sam SutherlandPublished Apr 26, 2008

Boys Like Girls are obviously not a band we would typically feature on Exclaim!TV. They're just not really on our radar (despite being certified Gold in the U.S. and opening for the likes of Avril Lavigne in Canada). They're obviously super-nice dudes who are totally into what they're doing (and hey, they make more money than me and they get to tour the world, so at the end of the day, the joke's on me), but it's safe to say that we at Exclaim!TV HQ are not huge Boys Like Girls fans. So why are they featured here, in our 25th (!!!) episode? Because their publicist e-mailed me, that's why. And it sounded really funny. And meant getting floor seats to Avril Lavigne. I mean, have you fucking heard The Best Damn Thing? It's the most unapologetically and outrageously bad record I've heard in years. Do yourself a favour and download it right now. 100% non-stop LOL.

Now that we've completely destroyed our credibility, might as well mention how friendly the guys in the band were. This was our second totally bullshit set of questions for them; the first consisted of Justin asking only questions about Avril Lavigne. So the moment in the video when the one guy pretends to kick us out had us a little thrown. We all actually thought we were getting booted. Turns out he just has a highly refined sense of humour. Or something. Good jams!

So the bottom line is that Boys Like Girls are really nice and good at playing along. They even made us leave our sheet of fake band names to giggle at later. They really hated Death by Romance, though. Like, so bad.

Check out a full interview with Boys Like Girls (probably just about Avril Lavigne) this coming Wednesday.

Boys Like Girls "Thunder" (Live Acoustic, because all their actual videos aren't embed-able)

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