Chargers Street Gang

Holy The Bop Apocalypse

BY Matt McMillanPublished Feb 1, 2001

Hello Cleveland! Just a hop, skip and a pogo from Detroit we find its bastard brood, the Chargers Street Gang, who unleash flailing garage punk like Iggy with a head full of freaked-out speed. No surprise then that they also perform raucous Stooges covers as the Ashton Bros. From Way Back. "Woos," "oh, yeahs" and handclaps abound as shout and response, back and forth vocals caterwaul over the rowdy din. Tracks like "Omega Bro" and "Amazing Disgrace" push it up another notch with the addition of cowbell, harmonica, tambourine, organ, and horns. The results are so boisterous and so infectious that you know they must have a super-amped, madhouse of a live show. They pump '60s Stones affectations through modern punk hyperactivity with the raw power of Motor City proto-punk forefathers like the Stooges and the MC5, and the payoff is striped down, high-energy rock at its rowdiest.
(Get Hip)

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