Charles Spearin Shares "Unsolicited Advice" on New Song

The single comes alongside Mental Health Week

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished May 3, 2021

Marking Mental Health Week in Canada and Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States, Charles Spearin has returned with a new single.

"Unsolicited Advice" was first recorded by the Broken Social Scene/Do Make Say Think player for a song-a-day writing club of friends and peers. Spearin shared that the song was initially written as "this odd letter of encouragement to my daughters," but came to feel it could speak to a wider audience.

"A year later, I was emailing back and forth with video animator Jared Sales about a different project and sent him a folder of my music which happened to include this song," Spearin said. "When he heard it, he got kind of excited. Jared saw it as something that could be joined with an idea he was kicking around, a sort of algorithm of kindness."

The result is the animated video found below, which follows a robot that consumes and feels the world's overwhelming sadness to transform it into encouragement and love.

Last year, Spearin joined Swedish violinist Josefin Runsteen for LP Thank God the Plague Is Over.

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