
Walking With Thee

BY Cam LindsayPublished Mar 1, 2002

If Clinic weren’t around the world would likely be a duller place. Liverpool’s third greatest band ever (the Beatles and the Bunnymen have a slight edge) has come out with their second album proper and it’s a doozy. Known for their strange costumes, singer Ade Blackburn’s abnormal lyrics and that distinctive melodica, Clinic knows how to make a half-an-hour interesting. Containing the spirits of Can, the Fall and Dick Dale, Clinic’s music is absurdist avant-garde garage surf rock with the right amount of pop mixed in to give you something to hum about. "Harmony” contains a haunting echo of a backdrop, with the melodica and piano creating a tugboat in the fog-type atmosphere. Tracks like "Walking With Thee” and "Pet Eunoch” inhabit the ghost of the Sex Pistols’ snarl, while "Come Into Our Room” plays like the soundtrack to a murder mystery. It’s almost childish to feel this excited when you listen to a record, but Walking With Thee is one of those timeless records that will be referenced repeatedly in the years to come.

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