When it comes to Cream Abdul Babar, many have said "with a name that bad, theyd better be awesome, and despite their moniker, one thing CAB have always been is awesome. Their pre-hiatus effort (a hiatus that hopefully wont become permanent), Covering The Track Marks features six covers done in typical CAB style (noisy, harsh, thick and punctuated by trombone). CAB influences such as Ministry ("Burning Inside), PJ Harvey ("Rid of Me), the Jesus Lizard ("Gladiator), Mira ("Space) and Helmet ("Born Annoying) are all paid homage to here (theres even a terrifying live version of Madonnas "Material Girl, arguably not an influence). All the covers are superb (despite the sometimes muddy production), receiving an abrasive interpretation at the hands of these sonic erosionists but they truly slay with "Gladiator, matching the mania of Yow and company, and the anguished promise/threat/plea of PJs "Rid of Me. Unquestionably one of the undergrounds best and most slept-on bands, hopefully this isnt their swansong.
(Underadar)Cream Abdul Babar
Covering The Track Marks
BY Chris GramlichPublished Nov 1, 2004