
5: Blackacidevil

BY Roman SokalPublished Aug 2, 2000

Time plus distance equals perspective. This equation is best applied to Danzig's 1996 album Blackacidevil, his fifth release that quickly fell prey to label hell. The album marked his first foray as a rogue artist after having just shed his skin from the classic Danzig line-up of previous albums. Slightly tainted by a somewhat esoteric attempt at incorporating the then flavour of the day, NIN-inspired electronics, 5 suffers from a personality disorder, since the album does feature some landmark Danzig tracks. The first four electronic numbers seem to blend together in a chaotic and scratchy manner, rendering nothing but confusing and cold noise. It is after these tracks that things tone down, allowing analogous instruments to breathe and pant heavily. It is with tracks like the viscous "Hint of Her Blood" and the ritualistic "Serpentia" that we are submitted to Danzig's trademark demon blues, which are drenched with psycho-sexual themes; and the minimalistically eerie "Endless," which provides a ghostly funereal departure, all making this wayward album worth a second inspection. The Sacrifice EP should only be of interest to rabid fans, an extension only for to those who understood his ultra-techno-dabbling. Six remixes of Blackacidevil's NIN-like "Sacrifice" are offered, but it does more harm than good. As a redemptive factor, two additional remixes (and luscious ones at that) of "Deep" make the EP worth acquiring. Those wishing to delve into the origins of Danzig's melodic genetics; the symphonic, short and rock-less curio Black Aria (1992), a sort of precursor to his latter-day style, will provide the code. Some will no doubt recognise the opening track, "Overture of the Rebel Angels," which is used to prime audiences at his live shows. Although no real "symphony" is present, Danzig utilises mid-fi spectrum keyboards and the occasional female choral arrangement to paint dark, haunting and neo-classical soundscapes. Reminiscent of Jerry Goldsmith's score to The Omen and Basil Pouledoris's Conan The Barbarian, this is proof that Glenn Danzig could easily and successfully extend his career into the soundtrack realm.

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