Danzig Titles New Album, Um, <i>Deth Red Sabaoth</i>

BY Greg PrattPublished Feb 25, 2010

Here's an idea to help give a career a bit of a boost: release an album with a completely incomprehensible and unmemorable title. At least that's what metal's mini-meanie Danzig's thinking, apparently.

The Evil Elvis has recently announced that Deth Red Sabaoth will be the name of his upcoming disc, which is tentatively due out in the spring, according to Blabbermouth. We don't know what that album title means either, but it does make us think of thrash lifers Megadeth, metalcore dudes the Red Chord, metal legends Black Sabbath and black metal titans Emperor's Samoth all at once, which is pretty cool. But we're sure Danzig had something more sinister in mind.

Danzig's last album was 2006's solo disc Black Aria II; in 2004 he released Circle of Snakes, which, like the upcoming album, featured Prong main man/Ministry cohort Tommy Victor. The new album will also feature the first recorded appearance of Type O Negative's Johnny Kelly behind the kit, who has been playing with Danzig for a number of years now.

All of which is well and interesting, but, seriously, Deth Red Sabaoth?

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