Danzig's House Has A MySpace Page!

BY Cam LindsayPublished Aug 14, 2008

It seems as though everyone and everything has a MySpace page these days. Your band, your mom, your cat, your high school math teacher and possibly even your butt. The online social networking site has grown so large that now even property owned by former front-men for the Misfits have them.

Such is the case for the 102-year-old Los Angeles home of Glenn Danzig, the beefy, 53-year-old front-man. Uncovered by fashionable entertainment blog Idolator, Danzig's House has approximately 1,346 friends (oddly enough, Danzig himself is not in the top 11 friends), enjoys listening to Danzig, and has a general interest in bricks, of all things.

Like most MySpace accounts, Danzig's House also has photos to peek at (all of which appear to be taken by fans), including one really grainy one of its owner washing his fancy car in the driveway.

We can only hope it's the same "quaintly sepulchral hacienda" that houses that ever-impressive poolside library he gave a video tour (see below) of way back when because according to him, he appears to have quite the collection.

Click here to visit and send a friend request to Danzig's House.

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