Dashboard Confessional

Dusk and Summer

BY Ariana RockPublished Sep 1, 2006

Ever since his explosion into the mainstream, Chris Carrabba’s music has become the defining point of emo — bleeding emotions poured out through impassioned vocals weathered by heartache and the truth of real love. Dusk and Summer is the album fans who fell in love with his heartache have been awaiting. This album is back to the roots, back to the emotion, and back to the words and feelings so many who identify with can echo as he sings. Rumours ran rampant that this album would be piano based or go back to a solo act, but aside from the piano-led "So Long, So Long,” the majority is founded upon guitars and overflowing hearts. Definitely more of a rock feel since the additional members have joined and had time to settle into the band after A Mark, A Mission, a Brand, a Scar, it results in a more collaborative and full feel, rather than the stripped down sound we were first introduced to. The vulnerability and intimacy come evidently through, but this time with a strength and conviction that makes this one of the most solid Dashboard albums out there.

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