Tokyo Police Club's Dave Monks Feels "Love" on New Solo Single

Watch a video drawn by the artist himself

Photo: Calm Elliott-Armstrong

BY Alex HudsonPublished Mar 22, 2021

In addition to fronting the pop-rock band Tokyo Police Club and the sock-hopping trio bandcalledmax, Toronto artist Dave Monks releases singer-songwriterly material under his own name. His latest solo tune is called "Love," which comes accompanied by a video drawn by the artist himself.

"Love" is a short acoustic number that recounts a bizarre stream-of-consciousness story, a bit like a scavenger hunt or a particularly surreal stress dream. The strange lyrics are brought to life with a flowchart-style video, drawn by Monks, and the whole story is tied up with a neat bow in the final moments.

Monks said in a statement about the song:

With so many plans cancelled from quarantine, I wasn't quite sure how to move forward in connecting with people over my music, but I feel like I have a good first step here. "Love" is a song I wrote one morning in burst of creativity and then rushed to the studio to record that day. It's a one-take, unedited performance from a time this winter when I really needed that catharsis. It comes to you now with a video and poster artwork, both based on a doodle-flowchart I made representing the lyrics. It's a brave new world out there but I'm hoping with a bit of creativity, artists and audiences will be able to find the connection they've been missing.

The full-size poster of Monks' flowchart is available from Tokyo Police Club's online store, or it's free for his Patreon subscribers.

Check out the video for "Love" below.

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