Descendents to Be Memorialized with 'Filmage' Documentary

BY Josiah HughesPublished May 31, 2011

Late last year, seminal Californian hardcore punks Descendents got us all excited with the announcement that they would be reforming for some tour dates and possibly even a new album. While we're not sure if the new album will pan out any time soon, the group have crossed our radar once again with the announcement of an upcoming Descendents documentary.

 Aptly titled Filmage, the feature-length movie will tell the story of Descendents, as well as their offshoot All project, from their conception through their current status as a touring band.

 Filmmakers Deedle Lacour and Matt Riggle are currently seeking photos and video footage of the band in any era of their decades-long career. Those interested in contributing can submit content to

While no date has been set for the film's release, the trailer has likely have you eagerly anticipating Filmage. Check it out below.

Filmage Teaser from Deedle LaCour on Vimeo.

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