
"Waka Waka" (video)

BY Alex HudsonPublished Feb 5, 2014

Already today (February 5), we've heard a new Doomsquad-featuring track from Digits, and now Doomsquad have shared more new material in the form of "Waka Waka" from their forthcoming Kalaboogie album.

The song is a six-minute cut that swells from quiet spaciness to thumping, danceable post-punk. The accompanying clip shows rotary phone and a compass spinning amidst a swirl of stars, while a mystic flips over tarot cards and pulls funny faces for the camera.

Kalaboogie is due out through Hand Drawn Dracula/No Pain in Pop on February 25. In support of the record, Doomsquad already have several tour dates lined up, and you can see those below.

Tour dates:

02/09 Montreal, QC - Il Motore #
02/12 Hamilton, ON - This Ain't Hollywood #
02/27 Toronto, ON - The Comfort Zone (record release show) *
03/02 Buffalo NY - The Forum ~
03/04 New York, NY - The Cake Shop
03/05 Baltimore, MD - Club K
03/06 Philadelphia, PA - Ortileb's Lounge
03/08 Ottawa, ON - Mugshots ^
03/14-18 Hot Springs, AR - Valley Of The Vapors Festival
03/20 Albuquerque, NM - Sister Bar
03/21 Marfa, TX - El Cosmico
03/24 San Diego, CA - Soda Bar
03/26 Los Angeles, CA - Origami Vinyl (In-Store)
03/27 Los Angeles, CA - Los Globos
04/14 Chicago, IL - The Empty Bottle

# with Weeknight
* with HSY, Petra Glynt, Moonwood, mas aya
~ with Dotsun Moon, Digital Afterlife, Lesion Read
^ with You'll Never Get to Heaven

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