
"Disremember/Dismemberment" (NSFW video) / "Ovoo" (Kit Grill remix)

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 28, 2014

Shadowy sibling trio Doomsquad favour dark imagery in their videos, and the new clip for "Disremember/Dismemberment" is no exception.

This cut from the Toronto outfit's Kalaboogie album sports thumping beats, dark electro textures and hypnotic chants. The accompanying video shows a dude writhing naked in the forest in front a large image of a moon. He's not so much dancing as convulsing in time to the beat, and this goes on for the duration of the five-minute song.

Since he's naked, this should be considered NSFW.

Also below, hear a slowly simmering remix of "Ovoo" by Kit Grill.

Doomsquad's upcoming UK/European tour schedule can be seen here.

Doomsquad - Disremember/Dismemberment (NSFW) from Hand Drawn Dracula on Vimeo.

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