Spooky Canadian sibling trio Doomsquad have been hinting at their Kalaboogie full-length since even before releasing last year's self-titled EP. Now, they've finally revealed that their debut album will be out on February 25. The North American release will be handled by Hand Drawn Dracula, while it will be issued through No Pain in Pop in Europe.
Kalaboogie includes eight songs in all, including the previously released single "Ovoo" and the EP cuts "Born from the Marriage of the Moon & a Crocodile" and "Eternal Return." A press release promises that the songs that are "rich in variance and full of vividness." They include guitar, flute, electronic textures and percussion.
See the tracklist below. At the bottom of the page, check out the newly unveiled "Disremember/Dismemberment" and watch the prior video for "Ovoo," both of which give a taste of Doomsquad's dark electronic sound.
Also below, see the trio's upcoming tour schedule. It includes Canadian stops in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton and Ottawa.
Kalaboogie is available to pre-order right here.
1. When the Dead Become Infants
2. Head Spirit (for our Mechanical Time)
3. Disremember/Dismember
4. Waka Waka
5. Kalaboogie
6. Born from the Marriage of the Moon & a Crocodile
7. Eternal Return
8. Ovoo
Tour dates:
01/24 Toronto, ON - Steam Whistle *
02/09 Montreal, QC - Il Motore #
02/10 Hamilton, ON - This is Hollywood #
03/02 Buffalo NY - The Forum ~
03/08 Ottawa, ON - Mugshots ^
03/14-18 Hot Springs, AR - Valley Of The Vapors Festival
* with Bravestation, Ark Analog
# with Weeknight
~ with Dotsun Moon, Digital Afterlife, Lesion Read
^ with You'll Never Get to Heaven
Kalaboogie includes eight songs in all, including the previously released single "Ovoo" and the EP cuts "Born from the Marriage of the Moon & a Crocodile" and "Eternal Return." A press release promises that the songs that are "rich in variance and full of vividness." They include guitar, flute, electronic textures and percussion.
See the tracklist below. At the bottom of the page, check out the newly unveiled "Disremember/Dismemberment" and watch the prior video for "Ovoo," both of which give a taste of Doomsquad's dark electronic sound.
Also below, see the trio's upcoming tour schedule. It includes Canadian stops in Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton and Ottawa.
Kalaboogie is available to pre-order right here.
1. When the Dead Become Infants
2. Head Spirit (for our Mechanical Time)
3. Disremember/Dismember
4. Waka Waka
5. Kalaboogie
6. Born from the Marriage of the Moon & a Crocodile
7. Eternal Return
8. Ovoo
Tour dates:
01/24 Toronto, ON - Steam Whistle *
02/09 Montreal, QC - Il Motore #
02/10 Hamilton, ON - This is Hollywood #
03/02 Buffalo NY - The Forum ~
03/08 Ottawa, ON - Mugshots ^
03/14-18 Hot Springs, AR - Valley Of The Vapors Festival
* with Bravestation, Ark Analog
# with Weeknight
~ with Dotsun Moon, Digital Afterlife, Lesion Read
^ with You'll Never Get to Heaven