
Fucking With Fire: Live In Sao Paolo 2006

BY Keith CarmanPublished Sep 15, 2009

Brazil must be the fountain of youth for metal bands. Maybe that's why everyone and their uncle records there. The ravenous crowds, who seem to clamour for virtually anything, good or bad, make aging bands feel young and spry, or something like that. German power metal brigade Edguy are the latest to make the pilgrimage down there for this show, captured during their Rocket Ride Tour some years ago. Opinions on the band's style aside, one must admit that these two hours of musical pyrotechnics and prodigiousness are quite captivating. Energetic and upbeat, the show's 14 tunes are fast, furious and flawless, ensuring that fans of the band will be quite pleased with this enthusiastic gig, and that even detractors will find something pleasing within. Rounded out by a simplistic tour documentary that's little more than a collection of snippets, yet still amusing, and four videos, Fucking With Fire is another substantial effort from these German wailers.
(Nuclear Blast)

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