Despite what it states within this release, it is most certainly a mixtape, although it is also a proper set-up for a new album. Where Im At The Setup continues the honest, heartfelt, sometimes feminist raps that were such a dominant and refreshing part of Eternias debut, Its Called Life. From an often personal perspective, E opens up about love gone wrong ("On and On, "You Aint Real and "Hold On); abusive relationships on "M.V.P. with Toya Alexis; the difficulties of being female in the often misogynist, breast-obsessed world of hip-hop ("Throw Some Ds); and the struggles that exist on the hard streets on "Struggle with Wordsworth and Kenn Starr. A new New York resident, Eternia also gets homesick for Toronto on "The Mega, "Northside 07 and "Homebase with Nick Fury and Freestyle. Those familiar with Eternia will know shes equally skilled with raw braggadocio battle raps, which are displayed here in equal measure. She claims dopest female credentials on "The Setup, wears the pants in the relationship fantasy of club track "Like a Boy, eats your food on the extended metaphor of "Dinner is Served and just generally brags and boasts on posse cut "Ladies & Gentlemen with Polyrhythmaddicts. The beats, both dubs and exclusives, are an equal mix of banging boom-bap and smooth grooves, although there tends to be a high ratio of soulful R&B, which goes overboard on "Upgrade You and "29th Movement On Blast. With a good mix demonstrating her varied skills, The Setup might just earn Eternia the respect she deserves Stateside.
Where I'm At The Setup
BY Thomas QuinlanPublished Aug 14, 2007