This fresh faced band of four have littered their catchy brand of pop and rock with a "swing your hips and twist your shoulders attitude that doesnt take long to drag you in and get you moving along to the beat. With tunes like "Late Night Dance Party and "Bring Em in Billy these Portland, OR boys have taken infectiousness to a new level with dreamy guitars, steady drums, and the odd group shout along. Their sound stretches across the expanse between this upbeat style to a slower, more hypnotic pace, enticing you and pulling you in with every shimmering lick and melody. You can pretty much sum up their whole sound with the title of their opening track, "Youth like Tigers; energetic and playful with claws, but the possibility of growing into something you dont want to turn your back on anytime soon.
(Hopeless Records)Ever We Fall
We Are But Human
BY Ariana RockPublished Apr 1, 2006