BY Ian GormelyPublished Jan 22, 2013

It would be easy to dismiss L.A. quartet Fidlar as just another bunch of drunk garage-rock fuck-ups flailing around on their instruments; it's exactly how they present themselves on much of their full-length debut. The hedonism on display would rival the most depraved of the mid-'80s Sunset strip rockers. Opener "Cheap Beer" espouses the virtues of its subject with a rallying cry chorus of, "I drink cheap beer. So what? Fuck you!" Fidlar further their societal dropout cred on "Stoked and Broke," where the band, who generally sing in unison, warble, "I don't ever wanna get a job." Oh, and their moniker is an acronym for "fuck it dog, life's a risk." But pigeonholing this group ignores the musical pedigree they pull from. Their fuck-off attitude and overall sound certainly owe a debt to similar minded shit-disturbers Black Lips, especially on "Blackout Stout." But there's a definite Exile on Main Street element at work on "Gimme Something" that suggests there's more at play than drugs, booze and youthful energy. Fidlar could be the heirs to the Replacements' place as America's drunk poet laureates, or maybe not. Regardless, Fidlar is easily one of the most energetic and fun-filled records in a while. Best of all, one listen makes you want to get wasted with your best buds, which is the ultimate compliment.
(Dine Alone)

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