Get out your saffron scarves and your paisley ties for the return of the Figurines youll need them. Since the release of their affable debut Skeleton in 2005, theyve gone for a lark through Haight-Ashbury, skipping along to their old Beach Boys records. As a result, theyve left their jangle-y 90s bounciness far behind in the quest for a bigger, more complex 60s psych pop sound. Those deadheads in Golden Gate Park would have approved you can almost picture the fog machine and light show on opener "Childhood Verse, while "Half Awake, Half Aware is a tripped out, perfect love-in anthem. Both in ambition and execution, When The Deer Wore Blue is a major step up for the Figurines. What with the organs, interweaving harmonies and echo-y production, these Danes certainly seem to be having a lot of fun in the studio, occasionally at the expense of the songs you can hear them losing their way a touch on "Drunkards Dream and "Lips Of The Soldier. Still, considering what a drastic change of course this is, theyve navigated it capably, discovering some certifiable pop treasures along the way.
(Paper Bag)Figurines
When The Deer Wore Blue
BY Pras RajagopalanPublished Sep 11, 2007