

BY Chris GramlichPublished Jan 1, 2006

It seems to defy an aggressive music rule of dynamics but there should be no feasible way for Floor's first full-length to be this earth-shatteringly heavy and at the same time paradoxically sing-along catchy, but it is. Although their first full-length, Floor have been in existence for a number of years, with numerous seven-inch releases, feature at least one former member of Cavity and have gradually evolved their sound from their more doom-oriented, Cavity/Eyehategod abrasion of past releases. Still thoroughly drenched in doom's propensity for low-end obliteration, throwing around odes to old Sabbath, Melvins, Buzzov*en and the like, while traversing stoner rock and even more up-tempo rock fare, the threat of menace/hostility so palpable in any oppressive doom has been replaced by almost poppy sung vocals (for the most part), insidious melodies and song structures that are so incredibly catchy and anthemic that a tour with Queens of the Stoneage or Weezer might actually make sense, but in a good way. Of course the music could still have wiped out the dinosaurs if it had fallen to Earth all those many years ago. Featuring a tuning so low that they claim to have invented it by playing on a broken E string, when the "bomb" string hits, it's pure aurally devastation with no hope of escape. Highlights of this amazing disc include the all-mighty "Scimitar," "Tales of Lolita" and "Downed Star," but anything this good deserves to have a street named after it. Floor Street? Well, no, but truly awesome, despite their name.
(No Idea)

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