This two-track seven-inch from New Jersey duo A Fucking Elephant packs a heck of a punch in all of its seven minutes (you may be sensing a theme here). The production on this minor Batman villain of a record sounds spectacular. To begin with, it was engineered by Colin Marston (Krallice, Dysrhythmia), which allows the stranger moments to thin themselves out, pale and fine, while finding broader, thicker strokes in more complex passages. Each layer of feedback is carefully chosen and built up, creating varying layers of sonic opacity. The A-side, "I'm Addicted to Drugs and Sex and I Want You to Choke Me," is definitely the superior track, as manic and synapse-popping a meditation on erotic asphyxiation as ever there was. It will be interesting to see what A Fucking Elephant will do the next time they give themselves a little more time and space (their previous release, a full-length, was still a split with cohorts El Drugstore) so that we can have a proper one night stand. Until then, the quick shag in a club bathroom that is Seven Inches will have to do.
(Nefarious Industries)A Fucking Elephant
Seven Inches
BY Natalie Zina WalschotsPublished Jan 22, 2013