Full Auto 2: Battlelines


BY Joshua OstroffPublished Jun 29, 2007

As someone who hates to drive in the real world, I've never been a fan of racing games. Admittedly, this is because I tend to crash during both, but the beauty of Full Auto 2 is that fiery explosions are the whole point. Rather than another anal driving simulator, FA2 is an amalgam of the smash-happy Burnout series and the gun-crazy Twisted Metal games. Developed by Toronto studio Pseudo Interactive, this fast-paced revamp of the 360 original – which adds a slight storyline and a much-needed arena mode – makes nice use of the PS3's pixel power to create an eminently destructible urban environment through which you must outrace your opponents, preferably by blowing them up real good with car-mounted missile launchers. It's also got a cool Prince of Persia-style "unwreck" feature allowing you to rewind in case of enemy fire or a wrong turn and online multiplayer for up to eight drivers. Though by no means a definitive car combat game, by keeping the focus squarely on wanton destruction, Battlelines drives circles around the competition.
(Pseudo Interactive / Sega)

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