Girl Talk Preps <i>Wild Peace</i>, Dismisses Recent Leak As Fake

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Mar 25, 2008

Breaking away from a non-stop, two-year tour in support of Night Ripper, Girl Talk’s Greg Gillis has finally returned to the studio — or rather, hitting record on his laptop again. Gillis is apparently in the midst of wrapping up his fourth album of mashed-up pop clips, tentatively titled Wild Peace IV: Feed the Animals, Raise the Dead. Wild Peace IV..., which is scheduled for late spring/early summer.

"It’s been a similar work process as my previous releases,” Gillis said in a press release. "I come up with little pieces of new material to experiment with at the live performances each week, and the general direction and style of the album naturally evolves over time. I play with many of the core ideas at shows, so if you've seen me live recently, you've heard new material that will show up on this release.

"This album is going to be dense with samples like my previous releases, but I'm trying to give some of the parts more room to breathe. I'm focusing less on sporadic chops and more on having pieces of the album build. The new material definitely has its share of quick cuts, but it's less dependent on that style. I think it's more dynamic because of it." Also, Gillis recently set the record straight on a leaked album claiming to be a new Girl Talk full-length earlier this month. "Someone posted a fake ‘leak’ of my upcoming album. I was not involved in this at all. The music posted had nothing to do with me,” Gillis said via his MySpace page.

When the real Wild Peace is complete, it will be available online and on CD through Illegal Art, while Wham City Records will handle the vinyl. In the meantime, the never-ending rugby scrums known as Girl Talk shows continue. Here are the dates, which oddly are all on Friday nights:

3/28 Athens GA, Georgia Theatre
4/4 Morgantown WV, 123 Pleasant Street
4/25 New Haven CT, Toads Place
5/2 Richmond VA, Toads Place / Richmond
5/9 Millvale PA, Mr. Smalls Theatre
5/23 Chillicothe IL, Summer Camp
8/8 Jersey City NJ, All Points West Festival

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