Currently based out of Philadelphia, quirky DIY duo Girlpool are set to unleash their debut full-length next week when Before the World Was Big hits shelves. But before it arrives, the two-piece project of Harmony Tividad and Cleo Tucker has shared a new album cut called "Cherry Picking."
Opening with sparsely plucked strings and the girls' sweet vocal harmonies, the track eventually morphs into a full-fledged sonic assault armed with nothing but guitar, bass and two perfectly matched, angst-ridden voices.
Before the World Was Big arrives on June 2 via Wichita Recordings, and you can get a sample of what to expect by giving "Cherry Picking" a listen below.
Opening with sparsely plucked strings and the girls' sweet vocal harmonies, the track eventually morphs into a full-fledged sonic assault armed with nothing but guitar, bass and two perfectly matched, angst-ridden voices.
Before the World Was Big arrives on June 2 via Wichita Recordings, and you can get a sample of what to expect by giving "Cherry Picking" a listen below.