With the re-release of Slapshot and its straight-to-video sequel on DVD last month, the timing for a new record from a band inspired by that Paul Newman hockey comedy seems just about perfect (although in an egregious oversight on the producer's part, the band wasn't even asked to contribute music to the "made in Canada sequel). On their third disc, the band, which is NoMeansNo with Removal's drummer as the fourth man on the line, is in fightin' fine game form, bashing out their Ramones-esque three-chord punk rock nuggets. It's a far cry from the complex math rock of their vanguard day job band, but it's no less entertaining. Also, Black Flag fans will especially appreciate the cover, which is a riff on the My War album. Old time punk rock that's more fun than watching Marty McSorley and Donald Brashear beat the snot out of each other.
(Mint Records)Hanson Brothers
My Game
BY Stuart GreenPublished May 1, 2002