

BY Denise FalzonPublished Oct 12, 2011

Following the release of 2010's epic Majesty and Decay, Yonkers, NY death metal legends Immolation whet appetites with their new five-track Providence EP. Although released digitally for free download, the band don't half-ass this one. The EP features everything you'd expect from these innovators of American death metal: belligerent intensity, cacophonous dual guitar work and complex drum patterns, such as on "Illumination." The title track is by far the highlight, with a chugging guitar groove and militaristic rhythms, along with Ross Dolan's deep, menacing vocals. Each of the five tracks on Providence are equal to the stellar material on Majesty and Decay, and with this same quality death metal that we've come to know and love from Immolation, this short, but annihilating EP leaves nothing but tremendous anticipation for their next full-length.
(Scion A/V)

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